7 Ways to Exceed CRE Investor Expectations

Checklist: 7 Ways to Exceed CRE Investor Expectations

Today’s commercial real estate investors have expectations for engagements and levels of service that they never would have even imagined just five years ago. That places pressure on

On Demand Webinar – The Full Stack Capital Raise: Technology, Regulation, & Opportunity

New regulations, including the JOBS Act of 2012, have enabled technology to streamline the capital raising process. Commercial real estate sponsors can now host their offerings on online portals with deals ranging from crowdfunding to traditional structures, and they can continue to use technology to attract and manage investors.
Learn How SPI Advisory Has Used IMS to Grow and Scale Their Firm

SPI Advisory was able to accommodate larger investor numbers and scale their firm by partnering with IMS.

Learn how IMS Client, SPI Advisory, has been able to grow and scale their firm with IMS.
7 Signs Your CRE Firm Needs Investor Management Software

Checklist: 7 Signs Your CRE Firm Needs Investor Management Software

There is a gap forming between those CRE firms that embrace technology and those slower to innovate. Failure to invest in the right software solutions and analytics

On Demand Webinar – Best Practice Technology Implementation for CRE Firms

Technology is no longer a nice-to-have for commercial real estate firms; it’s a necessity. Forward-thinking firms are quickly adapting and incorporating technology into their day to day operations in order to generate more revenue, scale faster, and remain competitive. But implementing new technology for your CRE firm can seem like a daunting process, and driving change within your company can be a challenge.
The Definitive Guide to Commercial Real Estate Investing

eBook – The Definitive Guide to Commercial Real Estate Investing

Commercial real estate is currently undergoing a lot of change. Economic trends, social movements, and technology shifts are helping to shape the CRE landscape and influence investment decision-making and strategies.
Investor Expectations and Experiences

eBook – Investor Expectations and Experiences

Commercial real estate investors are taking a big risk when they place their trust, and their dollars, in a CRE sponsor. Investors need to feel confident that they are choosing the right sponsor, and the sponsor needs the skill, knowledge, experience, and tooling to manage the portfolio in an effective and trustworthy manner.

On Demand Webinar – How Predictive Analytics is Disrupting CRE

90% of the data in the world today has been created within just the past two years, and we continue to generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day. In the world of commercial real estate, every activity involves data – spreadsheets with hundreds and even thousands of lines of information.
5 Ways to Attract Millennial Investors

Checklist: 5 Ways to Attract Millennial Investors

Millennials are the future of commercial real estate. 85% of Millennials either want to or already do invest in real estate, and by 2020, this demographic is expected to control over $28 trillion in assets.

On Demand Webinar – The Future of Commercial Real Estate: Market Dynamics and Technology Trends

In commercial real estate, it is crucial to be in tune with the ebbs and flows of the marketplace because timing everything. These fluctuations dictate when you buy, sell, or hold in order to maximize the return on your investments. This rings true regardless of region or asset class your firm focuses on.
How to Scale Your Commercial Real Estate Firm

Checklist: How to Scale Your Commercial Real Estate Firm

It’s never too early or too late to start thinking about scaling your commercial real estate firm. And who wouldn’t want to maximize their business potential? Especially if it means increasing efficiency and effectiveness and driving consistent revenue growth
Evaluating Investor Management Technology Vendors

Checklist: Evaluating Investor Management Technology Vendors

The success of your investor management solution endeavors can come down to choosing the right technology partner. But how do you know which vendor is the best-fit for your commercial real estate firm?