eBook – A Buyer’s Guide for Investment Management Software
Technology is changing the way that commercial real estate sponsors and investors engage, communicate, and otherwise conduct every aspect of their business. And in today’s fast-paced environment, using investment management software can have a major impact on the success of your firm.

Whitepaper – Shifting Expectations: Why Technology is Critical for Winning Over the Next Generation of Investors
The commercial real estate and alternative investment market is shifting, and investor expectations are evolving along with it. A new generation of investors is also rapidly entering this space, demanding new and different technologies, market access points, and types of assets from prior generations.

Whitepaper – The Waterfall in Real Estate Syndications
Learn about the most common, rare, and complex waterfalls and how to leverage these insights

eBook – The What, Why, & How of Opportunity Zones
The Opportunity Zone initiative has garnered a lot of attention over the last several years and remains a hot topic in commercial real estate. With a market size estimated to be in the trillions and over 9,000 designated zones throughout the US and its territories, the amount of interest and excitement around this initiative is not surprising.

eBook – Leveraging Technology to Attract and Retain Talent in the CRE Industry
Over 40% of CRE professionals would leave a firm if they found the technology to be inadequate.

eBook – 20 Trends That Will Shape Commercial Real Estate in 2019
The recent tech boom and a strong market, coupled with evolving investor expectations, are changing the game and overhauling the longstanding traditions of the CRE industry. The ability to anticipate, recognize, acknowledge, and adapt to changes is key to success in this market.

eBook – Signs Your CRE Firm Needs CRE Technology & What to Do Next
Adapting to changes in the market is what keeps firms relevant, valuable, and ahead of the competition. The ability to anticipate, recognize, acknowledge, and adapt to these changes is key to success in the CRE industry …

eBook – A Guide to Commercial Real Estate Email Marketing
Email is a powerful marketing tool and a crucial aspect of building, maintaining, and enhancing relationships with investors. Networking, face-to-face interactions, and relationship building are still important, but new technologies and forms of communication continue to drive efficiencies and effectiveness in the industry.

eBook – A Guide to Commercial Real Estate Crowdfunding
Capital raising has evolved tremendously in recent years, and technology presents more opportunities and makes it easier and faster to invest than ever before.

eBook – The Definitive Guide to Commercial Real Estate Investing
Commercial real estate is currently undergoing a lot of change. Economic trends, social movements, and technology shifts are helping to shape the CRE landscape and influence investment decision-making and strategies.

eBook – Investor Expectations and Experiences
Commercial real estate investors are taking a big risk when they place their trust, and their dollars, in a CRE sponsor. Investors need to feel confident that they are choosing the right sponsor, and the sponsor needs the skill, knowledge, experience, and tooling to manage the portfolio in an effective and trustworthy manner.

eBook – Are You Ready For The Millennial Investor?
Millennials are now the largest group of income-earners in the United States, and by 2020, they will have $1.4 trillion in buying power. It’s time for the commercial real estate industry to pay attention to the newest generation of investors.